Latest updates (29-May-2019):
– the new design of the Driver app for iOS was review, approved and available now in AppStore. The control version is 2.0.0(203)
Latest updates (05-May-2019):
– The theme color been changed to color code #419eee
– The icons for the booking details been also changed
– On the main screen now you can tap on the header area and maximize the booking screen details.
– On the main screen near by the company logo will be displayed the rating stars if there is at least one review
– When the job is clear now the information in page is auto-refreshed
– There been introduced a new tab – Next job near by Upcoming jobs to help driver identify easier the next job.
– The background color been updated to all screen (previously the screens been split in 2 colors)
– Now all pages have headers on top
– Setting page been improved
– In the main page there is displayed now the vehicle details while the driver details are displayed in the main menu
– Upcoming jobs – the bookings are listed ASC
– Company Documents page – introduced as a stand alone
– Split drivertocar service in more dedicated services (if takes to much we’ll push to next release)
– Fix the app crush when the GPS is disable
– Fix Sharenetwork – send to driver job – it shows price 0
– When display the list of the bookings the first column is with the calendar date…everything else (booking info) is on the second column;display everything below booking status & Booking starting with second column?
– Shared Booking – accept a job …the page is refresh and display a next job (or not sure as it’s not same as one from main interface); after accept the Share Booking page with booking list must be refreshed if there are more bookings there; if not the driver should be redirected to main interface
– Bid page – when accept a booking, if there are more to bid keep the driver in the BID page, if not direct him to main screen
– Main screen – even if I have a driver with rating stars, there is displayed only the company logo and not the rating stars near by
Original post:
The base idea of this redesign is to improve to bring upfront the most common driver actions in one single view (in current version the information is spread along more menus) while leaving in background menu the actions are called less.
- the main menu is no hidden and can be accessed from top page button
- the new menu will have more direct actions can be accessed directly (e.g.: BID, SOS, Documents) ; in previous version such features been listed in Other main menu.
- the new version display the current vehicle the driver is logged.
- the driver picture been moved from main screen to the hidden main menu.
- the new version display the driver rating.
- in current version, the upcoming bookings been grouped under main menu Allocated jobs, while the Job in progress was under main menu Current job, so the work flow to accept a job, start and process required more steps. In the new version, everything (allocated jobs, current jobs, processing current jobs) is bring upfront, on the main driver page.

- other important change will be the capability of the driver to set his own working scheduler directly from the app (My Profile – bottom page – Calendar button); below the new page.