Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
1. How to delete a driver?
A driver that has at least one job completed can not be deleted from the system but only deactivated.
You can deactivate a driver from Drivers main menu by changing it’s status to Inactive (with right click on the driver or from Driver management window). An inactive driver will not show anymore as an option when dispatching a booking and he is forbid to login anymore into the driver app.
2. How to delete a vehicle?
A vehicle that has at least one job completed can not be deleted from the system but only deactivated. A vehicle been deactivate can not be assigned to a driver.
3. How to delete/remove a vehicle from a driver?
From driver management panel, you can delete a vehicle from a driver (1) or you can just deactivate that vehicle (2). A vehicle did at least one job can not be deleted but only deactivated.
The difference between delete and deactivate – you can activate again any vehicle been deactivated.
In both situations, when do dispatching that vehicle won’t be displayed as option.
4. How to delete a client?
You can delete a client from Utilities – Clients page (1) or can just suspend the account (2). A client that made a booking can not be deleted but only suspended.
However, accordingly to new GDRP regulations, a client may ask you to remove his reference from your system. The system enable the Anonimize feature that will remove information about clients and related bookings. More information will be provided on request.
5. How to delete a booking?
To comply with regulations and any inspection may appear toward, a booking can not be deleted from the system but only changing its status to cancel.
However, accordingly to new GDRP regulations, a client may ask you to remove any reference from your system, including bookings. The system enable the Anonimize feature that will remove information about clients and related bookings. More information will be provided on request.