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INSOFTDEV Driver app – How to troubleshoot user cannot login.

Question. From where can I download the Driver app.
Google PlayStore download link:
Apple AppStore download link:

Issue. When press login there is returned the error ” Failed. Login failed Password did not match”

Resolving issue:
Check if all 3 mandatory fields, Company ID, Password and email been correctly introduced.

Issue.When press login there is returned the error ” Failed. Email account does not exist”

Resolving issue:
Check if all 3 mandatory fields, Company ID, Password and email been correctly introduced.

Issue.When press login there is returned the error ” Login failed. Your account is currently inactive or suspended.”

Resolving issue:
Your account been suspended. Contact your organisation for further details.

Issue.After you’ve successfully login there is an Warning popup “Car insurance expired on ..”

Resolving issue:
At least one of your vehicle/driver paper are expired and they must be renewed. Otherwise the system may prevent the organisation to dispatch new jobs to you.

Issue.When press login there is returned the error ” Failed. You must enable location service before you use this feature”

Resolving issue:
You must enable Location service prior to login and use the app.

Issue.When press login there is returned the error ” Failed. The internet connection is offline”

Resolving issue:
Check if you are connected to internet.

Issue.When press login there is returned the error ” Failed. You don’t have a car attached to your account.”

Resolving issue:
Your driver account has no vehicle attached to it, or they’ve expired. Contact your organisation.

Issue.When press login there is shown a popup “Enter company ID”

Resolving issue:
To login, it’s mandatory to know and introduce your driver email and password account along with company ID been prior provided by the organisation to you.

Issue.When press login there is returned the error ” Failed. This car was assigned to you between: [DATE period]”

Resolving issue:
Your driver account has no vehicle attached to it, or they’ve expired. Contact your organisation.