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INSOFTDEV – Passenger app introduction

INSOFTDEV’s Passenger Application is a modern and user-friendly solution for the ride-sharing industry, simplifying the booking process into three easy steps. This guide provides an overview of the app’s key features and functionalities, from creating a booking to managing your profile and settings.

Steps to Create a Booking

Step 1: Choose Your Route

  1. Select your service type from the top of the main page:
    • Prebook, FROM AIRPORT, TO AIRPORT (these can be customized via the Backoffice application).
  2. Fill in the Pick-Up and Drop-Off Points.
  3. Add a Stop On the Way (SOTW) by clicking the “Add another address” text field.

Step 2: Customize Booking Details

  1. Select Car Type:
    • Swipe through available car types or click the car icon to view a list of options.
  2. Set Payment Method:
    • Click the default payment method (e.g., Cash) to choose another option.
  3. Adjust Passengers and Luggage:
    • Click the passenger icon to open a pop-up window.
    • Modify the number of passengers and luggage by tapping the “+” or “-” buttons (Fig. 5).

Step 3: Submit the Booking

  1. Click the “Book” button for an ASAP (as soon as possible) booking.
  2. To schedule the booking for a later time, click the Calendar Icon and select your desired date and time (Fig. 6).
  3. Fill in the Passenger Information and press the “Submit Booking” button.

Logging In and Registering

Login Process

  1. Open the app and log in using:
    • Company ID, Email, and Password (Fig. 1).
  2. Forgot your password? Tap “Forgot password?” to receive reset instructions via email.

Registering an Account

  1. If you don’t have an account, click “Don’t have an account? Register.”
  2. Choose between two account types:
    • Personal Account: Fill in the required details and click “Signup.”
    • Business Account: Fill in the required details and click “Validate.” (Fig. 2).

Navigating the Passenger App

Main Page

  • The main page is your starting point for creating bookings (Fig. 3).

Menu Options

Access the menu by clicking the Hamburger Icon in the top-left corner (Fig. 4). The menu includes:

  1. My Profile:

    • Edit contact information, address, or password.
    • Add favorite addresses or log out of the app.
  2. Wallet:

    • Add, edit, or delete credit cards and vouchers.
  3. My Bookings:

    • View bookings categorized as In Progress, Upcoming, or Completed.
    • For Upcoming bookings, click the red “X” icon to cancel them.
  4. Referral:

    • Share your referral code with friends. Earn rewards when they use your code to create an account.
  5. Contact:

    • View company contact information and terms & conditions.
  6. Settings:

    • Check the app version, change the language, and customize settings:
      • Enable/disable notifications via email and SMS.
      • Enable/disable automatic tracking.
      • Generate automatic invoices for each trip.

Key Features of INSOFTDEV’s Passenger App

  • Streamlined Booking: Complete the entire booking process in three steps directly from the main page.
  • Customizable Options: Tailor car types, payment methods, and passenger details to your needs.
  • Comprehensive Menu: Manage profiles, bookings, referrals, and settings from one place.
  • Multi-Language Support: Easily switch the app language for a global user base.

Figures and Illustrations

  • Fig. 1: Passenger Application login screen.
  • Fig. 2: Registering a personal or business account.
  • Fig. 3: Main page for creating bookings.
  • Fig. 4: Passenger Application menu options.
  • Fig. 5: Modifying passengers and luggage.
  • Fig. 6: Scheduling a pickup for a later time.

passengers and luggage
Fig. 5 - Modify luggage and passenger number
Fig. 6 - Select later pickup
Fig. 1 - Passenger Application login screen
Fig. 2 - Passenger Application register page
Fig. 3 - Passenger Application main page
Fig. 4 - Passenger Application menu